Do you have holiday traditions that you follow each and every year? Until it was bought to my attention by The Munchkin, I didn’t consider the things we do traditions. This year after Black Friday (my favorite holiday BTW) I was running on fumes…but as Munchkin reminded me, “We always put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving, it’s TRADITION”. So after giving it some thought we do have a pretty good list of traditions, here are some of ours:
Tree & Indoor decor go up the day after Thanksgiving
Well I dunno if you call this a tradition but at the commissary they carry flavored Egg Nog each year we buy probably buy 6-8 cartons of Pumpkin and Gingerbread Flavor.
I leave the house at zero-dark thirty to shop on Black Friday not to be seen again by my family until sometime Saturday afternoon. (did I mention this is my favorite holiday?) photo taken from google image search for Black Friday
Outdoor decorations go up Sat/Sunday after Thanksgiving. We also hop in the car on Christmas Eve, the girls in the PJ’s with thermos’s full of hot chocolate and tour the neighborhoods looking at the lights. This is NOT my house, which it were. Image taken from Google Image search.
Christmas Cards for family and friends.
Picture taken from Google Image search
We each open one gift on Christmas Eve (usually it’s the new Christmas Pajama’s)
Oh yeah and my favorite Christmas Tradition is one I stole from my friend Pam in Alaska. Instead of Christmas Dinner…..we opt for Christmas Brunch! We have pancakes, waffles, grits, omelets, biscuits n gravy, sausage, bacon, doughnuts, muffins, fruit, OJ, and hash browns. The girls love it!Picture taken from Google Image search
What are you Holiday Traditions? For next year I’m considering the Elf on the Shelf, but the girls may be getting too old for that one-we’ll see.
Happy Holidays!
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